The Institut Dr. Grohs as the Foundation for Developing the 4ME Complex.
The institut Dr. Grohs, ideally located near Graz's Hilmteich, is a private institution for clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and health promotion. "We understand the development and impact of inner forces and aim to positively influence them," says founder and CEO Dr. Ursula Grohs. The institute provides ample space, time, and tranquillity for individual treatments and consultations, as well as for appropriate training and workshops.
We are particularly interested in how psychology generates biology.
Building on psychodynamics, Dr. Ursula Grohs has developed her own successful method, Psychodynamic Psychology, over more than 40 years of therapeutic experience. Psychodynamics is the study of the effects of inner psychic forces, and Psychodynamic Psychology works by modifying inner thought patterns to induce healing biological reactions in the body.
A Multidisciplinary Team at Your Service
The Institut Dr. Grohs relies on the knowledge and expertise of a multidisciplinary team, including specialists in clinical and psychodynamic psychology and psychotherapy, general and family medicine, orthopedics, and sports science. The team supports clients in establishing the foundations for a good life with healthy relationships, mental and physical health, contributing to healthy movement and lifestyle. The focus is on the optimal development of:
The institute's experts emphasize a strong sense of community and the diplomatic implementation of healthy lifestyles among clients and those entrusted to their care. Specialties include child and adolescent therapy, the Mental Health Clinic, specialized day programs, and Psychodynamic Psychology training for caregivers, parents, teachers, and interested parties.
40 Years of Experience and Strong Bonds Converted into the 4ME Complex
In 40 years of working with people who need job security, seek fulfilling partnerships, want to help their children succeed in school, and wish to live lovingly, Dr. Grohs has encountered various stressors and much suffering. "Just as a cold requires bed rest, stress requires restoring emotional order. It has been shown that restoring inner balance is much easier when the hormonal system operates within its optimal range," explain Dr. Ursula Grohs and Mag. Susanne Grohs-Schlager. "The 4ME Complex we developed provides everything happiness hormones need for stable mental health under stress."
Psychodynamic Mental Health (PDM®) Training
PDM® Training by Dr. Ursula Grohs is a psychodynamically and psychologically based and scientifically proven concept aimed at recognizing unfavorable thought and behavior patterns, changing them, and solidifying new mental worlds. When stressful experiences disrupt the body's chemistry—the composition of key happiness hormones—people often respond with depressive, anxious, self-destructive, or narcissistic behavior.
Institut Dr. Grohs
Hilmgasse 12, 8010 Graz
T.: 0316 388744