
How does psychodynamic (PDM®) experiential training help to promote emotional stability and increase resilience?

PDM® refers to the psychodynamic model according to Dr. Ursula Grohs and is a depth-psychologically based and scientifically founded concept that serves to recognise unfavourable imprints, thought and action patterns, to change them and to consolidate new prototypes. It forms the basis for the experience training recommended below.
When there is an imbalance in the body's chemistry - the composition of important neurotransmitters - after stressful experiences, people often react with depressive, anxious, (self-)destructive or narcissistic behaviour. Following the principle of "use it or lose it", muscles need to be re-trained after wearing a cast for a longer period of time in order to become physically fit again. The recommended PDM® experiential training generates feelings that train the activation of the 4 most important neurotransmitters (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, noradrenalin) to become emotionally fit again.
It is recommended to use the psychodynamic (PDM®) experience training once a year to stay emotionally fit. If necessary, e.g. after negative experiences, more frequent use is recommended. The best results are achieved in combination with the 4MEFOURME cure. More information at:

Laughter needs effectiveness - noradrenaline
Emotional stability needs efficacy, which is strengthened by a humorous attitude. Humour can prevent us from bursting at the seams. The self-efficacy experienced through this enables us to be role-specific and to be creative and entertaining.
Train your effectiveness by:
1. making decisions, implementing the first steps to do so within 72 hours and not letting others' opinions or success distract you from them.
2. writing down your caregivers on a piece of paper: People who work with you, young people who are entrusted to you, members of your family and those you have your back whenever possible.
3. Make sure that your environment is "in order". This means that things should not be damaged or their function restricted. Write down the necessary activities for this on post-its, which you keep in a special place. Do the tasks when you have the opportunity. It is desirable to be able to replace completed Post-its with new ones every day if possible.
4. Keep raising the corners of your mouth until you have internalised this more positive attitude - "Fake it till you make it!"

Life needs esteem - dopamine
Emotional stability needs esteem also towards oneself. Respect helps you to make and keep agreements.
Train your respect by:
1. getting carried away by a cheering audience by attending a sporting event, a concert, a rousing cultural event, or a children's sporting event. Watch people in successful moments and feel their enthusiasm.
2. Focus on your abilities. View mistakes, failures and fear humorously as developmental steps on your path.
3. specifically look for situations in which you can be helpful and spontaneous without being asked and dispense with principles.
4. Give everything in a competition and win. If someone else wins, let the spark of pride jump over you.

Achievement needs satisfaction - serotonin
Emotional stability requires contentment, especially with oneself. Contentment helps to accept challenges with uncertain outcomes and to experience satisfying relationships.
Train your contentment by:
1. welcoming people. Maintain rituals with relatives and friends, go on group trips and join clubs or associations that match your interests.
2. look into your pet's happy eyes when you come to see them.
3. make a note of your 12 helping friends who can help you through challenges. Keep this note, the list forms your soul network. If someone disappoints you, replace that person with another - you will find someone.
4. read stories, watch films or experience performances in which tricky puzzles are solved, such as entertaining detective stories in which analytical action is the focus rather than gruesome details.

Love needs trust - oxytocin
Emotional stability requires trust, also in oneself, so that one can trust others. Trust helps to truly engage with others and to respond intuitively to signals from others.
Train your trust by:
1. consciously looking at other people and considering what feelings you can recognise in their faces and body language.
2. swaying in a hammock, rocking chair or hanging chair and feeling secure.
3. Put a subtle scent in the entrance area of your home (lemon, sandalwood, cedarwood, vanilla, lavender) that is so in the background that it is hardly noticeable.
4. Make a note of those people who are or could be your three best friends. Begin to build and nurture such trust with these people so that you know at all times what is on the inside of their minds.