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4ME nutrient complex, 7 week cure, sachets

4ME nutrient complex, 7 week cure, sachets

Regular price €279,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €279,00 EUR
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    Contents: 7 packs, 28 sachets each (7 per colour).

    4MEFOURME is a food supplement that promotes emotional stability and supports the immune system through a combination of particularly effective ingredients.
    This is especially the case during stressful events - such as burnout, separation or the death of loved ones, exhaustion, chronic fatigue, failures, anxiety and depressive moods - but also during or after stressful phases at work and in the family.
    In such stressful situations, there is often an imbalance of important messenger substances in the body, which can negatively influence the mood, the immune system and the interaction with other people.
    The 4MEFOURME cure helps to significantly increase mental resilience, to laugh heartily, to live beneficially, to perform enthusiastically and to love lustfully.

    In the early morning: 1 yellow sachet for a vitamin kick that motivates you for the day.
    In the late morning: 1 green sachet to stay productive and focused.
    Midday: 1 red sachet to be alert, active, beneficial and happy.
    In the evening: 1 blue sachet to immerse yourself calmly and confidently in a restful sleep.


    Am Morgen: LACHEN (oranges Säckchen)

    Zu Mittag: LEBEN (grünes Säckchen)

    Am Nachmittag: LEISTEN (rotes Säckchen)

    Am Abend: LIEBEN (blaues Säckchen)


    Die 4 unterschiedlichen Säckchen (Lachen, Leben, Leisten, Lieben) in einem Glas Wasser auflösen, einrühren und trinken

    More information

    • Vitamin C und Vitamin D tragen zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei

    • Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B3 und Vitamin B6 tragen zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung sowie zu einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel bei.

    • Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B3 und Vitamin B6 tragen zur normalen psychischen Funktion bei.

    • Magnesium und Vitamin D tragen zur Erhaltung normaler Knochen und Zähne bei

    • Magnesium trägt zu einer normalen Muskelfunktion bei

    • Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Kollagenbildung für eine normale Funktion der Blutgefäße, Knochen, Haut und Zähne bei

    • Magnesium, Vitamin C und Vitamin B12, Vitamin B3 tragen zu einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems bei

    • Vitamin C und Vitamin E tragen dazu bei, die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress zu schützen

    • Vitamin B6 trägt zur Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit bei

    View full details

    The 4ME Complex. 6 years of development.

    Dr. Ursula Grohs and her daughter, Mag. Susanne Grohs-Schlager, have leveraged their extensive expertise in psychodynamic psychology and psychoneuroimmunology to craft the innovative 4ME Complex. Through years of experience, they have developed a solution addressing the influence of essential happiness hormones amidst challenging circumstances, stress, and burnout. Find their profiles below. 

    • Klaus, entrepreneur, 45 years old

      I used to be a complete workaholic and suffered from severe psychological stress. Through a recommendation I learned about the 4ME-therapy. Already after a few days I could feel an improvement.  

    • Angelika, employee, 29 years old

      I was really exhausted, tired, and mentally down after a severe infection. I took 4ME, which helped me to rediscover my joy for life. 

    • Renate, entrepreneur, 54 years old

      I have been board member of an Austrian bank for 2 ½ years. Months of physical and psychological stress resulted in burnout and severe depression. 4ME helped me to overcome my burnout quicker. 

    Healthy eating factor

    According to the findings of nutritional psychology, our biopsychological system particularly needs nutrients from fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, pulses and fine oils. A healthy body is the basis for a healthy mind. In our blog we also offer you suggestions for a healthy diet.